Perfect Like Me Perfect Like Me - S.o.s

Bail out, bail out abandon ship
I'm frozen to my fingertips
This vessels sinking and the waters getting cold
Cause there's a hole in the hull
This life is taking it's toll
And I'm still clinging to hope
But we're still so far from home

Who will save our souls tonight?
This can wait, cause it might be too late for us
Cause it's never enough if you try and give up
So we sell our souls, but who will save our souls tonight?

Bail out, bail out against the tide
With all the strength i have inside
This currents sinking me no place I wanna go
It's getting harder to swim against the weight of my sins
Drownin out here alone and drifting farther from home

Who will save our souls tonight?
Rhis can wait, cause it might be too late for us
Cause it's never enough if you try and give up
So we sell our souls, but who will save our souls tonight?

The water is rising, my life is capsizing,
And through the pouring rain
There's a light in the distance, I can reach with assistance
If i keep holding strong
If I escape this undertow, I will make it home
I will make it home
I will make it home